Dichaea echinocarpa var. lobata Ames & Correll, Bot. Mus. Leafl. 11(3): 7. 1943.
TYPE: Costa Rica. San José: La Palma, about 1600 m, P.C. Standley 33120 (holotype, AMES).
Dichaea lobata (Ames & Correll) L.O. Williams, Ceiba 1(3): 189. 1950.
Dichaea pendula (Aubl.) Cogn. in Urb., Symb. Antill. 4: 182. 1903.
Bas.: Limodorum pendulum Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guyane Franc. 2: 819.
TYPE: French Guiana: “habitat in sylvis Comitatus de Gêne”, Aublet s.n. [holotype, P; illustration of type (only vegetative parts of pl. 322, excluding flower details, which represent mixed collections)].